Single Family Gambrel Colonial
68 Fay Rd - New Salem, MA 01355
3 Beds / 2 Baths / 1792 Sq. Ft. / 1.8 Acres / built 1987
Sale Price: $342,000
SOLD (4/1/16)
(click on thumbnails for larger photos)
Property Description
Remarkable reproduction antique gambrel colonial in a perfect setting. Superb craftsmanship and attention to details. Many handcrafted windows, wide pine floors, custom cabinets, raised panel walls, just a startling attention to period and quality. Yet still a highly efficient 2x6 framed home with first floor Master Bedroom and a Jotul woodstove in one of the fireplaces to stay warm without paying the oil man. Beautiful screened porch in back overlooking perennial gardens. Garage is a large 2 story barn with 3 car capacity, or 2 plus a horse/animal stall area. About an acre of mostly open field adjacent to barn for turnout on the east, very large conservation area owned by state to west. Beautiful antique barn and cow pasture across the street. You will be startled by the tranquility.
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